Wednesday 26 January 2022

git add existing project to a remote repository

     initialize git
     rust\me> git init

    Add remote repository     
    rust\me> git remote add origin
    add files to local git
    F:\me\rust\me> git add .
    commit with message
    F:\me\rust\me> git commit -m"initial commit or any message"

    force push the content to remote (means origin) repository (here mine is master)
    F:\me\rust\me> git push -f origin master

    rust\me> git push -f origin master


Monday 10 January 2022

git log to file

git log --author="gunabalan" --no-merges --since='12-01-2021' --date=short --pretty=format:'"%an" :: "%ad" >>> "%s"' > file.csv