Wednesday 11 March 2020

Git step by step

1. Initialize git local repo "master"  using the command 

Go to the folder where your local developmet happening

E:\backup\me\chasy>git init 

Add data to local master repository

E:\backup\me\chasy>git add . 

E:\backup\me\chasy>git commit -m"larval based chasy project added to repo"

E:\backup\me\chasy>git remote add origin

E:\backup\me\chasy>git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

E:\backup\me\chasy>git push -f origin master

This is forced update if local maser repo is started before online github origin repo


Now ready to sync with development

E:\backup\me\chasy>git add

E:\backup\me\chasy>git commit -m"read me update"

E:\backup\me\chasy>git push oigin master

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